Thursday, 5 April 2007

Baghdad film blogs

Saturday, 31 March 2007

My vote is on Ahnold

That's right, I reckon Schwarzenegger will swing down from a helicopter at the eleventh hour, just as the new president is being sworn in, whereupon he'll kick the shit out of Obama or McCain or whoever, take the office for himself, and thus restore Democracy to America, and win the War on Terror!

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Quote of the Day

It’s the combination of narcissism and nihilism that really defines postmodernism

- Al Gore

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Star Wars

Episode VII: Dos

Open up Run and type in "telnet". Without the " " brackets, obviously. = )

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Interesting Saddam footage

The Hole - video powered by Metacafe

The Internet is bad, mmmkay?

"Surfing is bad for you," says Yang Yang, a lanky 17-year-old, dolefully, as he describes for the cameras how his obsession with computer games destroyed his relationship with his father, undermined his performance in school examinations, and led to declining social standards among his peers.

"This is our social crisis. I really want to go back to how my family used to be, pure and simple, but there's no going back. Who's going to solve this crisis?"

Read the rest of the article here.

God speed you Yang Yang.

God bless China: